Respond to each item in the box provided. Refer to the reading, Depression, for answers, or state your opinion. When you finish, print, sign, and date this page and give it to your instructor.

1.  List the three main types of depression

2.  How do you think most people feel when they are depressed?

3.  Is depression a dangerous disease?

4.  What is depression?

5.  Does everyone have the same reasons to get depressed? Explain your answer.

6.  How can you help someone who is depressed?

7.  If you get depressed, how can someone else help you?

8.  Can people just decide to and stop being depressed? If not, why not? If so, how?

9.  Can depression be treated?


Read the passage below and respond to the questions.


Depression affects people all over the United States. It is a major cause of death in this country. What causes this common and dangerous disease? There are four major possible causes of depression.

1. What is this paragraph 1 about?


One common cause of depression is family history. That is a genetic factor. A genetic factor is something that is passed down through your genes. It is inherited. People with a family history of depression are at risk for developing depression. For example, Jamie's mother, father, aunts, uncles, or other family members were depressed. That means that Jamie has a history of depression in her family. However, not everybody with a family history of depression develops the illness. In fact, major depression can happen in people who have had no family members with the illness. Other factors are also probably responsible.

2. What is paragraph 2 about?


Biochemistry is another important factor in depressive illnesses. Biochemistry refers to the chemistry of living organisms. First, many depressed people have a problem with brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters. In addition, they have trouble sleeping. That is because their biochemistry is off. Finally, depression can be induced or helped with certain medications, and some hormones have mood-altering properties. That means that biochemistry affects depression. What we don't know, yet, is whether the "biochemical factors" of depression are of genetic origin, or if they are secondary to other factors or conditions.

3. What is paragraph 3 about?

4. What does this statement mean? -->> "What we don't know, yet, is whether the "biochemical factors" of depression are of genetic origin, or if they are secondary to other factors or conditions.


In addition, some people get depressed when difficult things happen to them. Events can cause depression. For example, a big loss, a difficult relationship, financial problems, or a major change in life can induce depression. Sometimes the depression starts with severe or chronic (continual) physical illness. In addition, some form of drug abuse occurs in about one-third of people with any type of depressive disorder.

5. What is paragraph 4 about?


It is good to know why you are depressed so that you can get the right kind of help. The important step is the one you take to get help, or to get someone else help.

 6. What is the purpose of paragraph 5?